L3 Skills provides reporting by automatically recording completed activities in the Player Dashboard. It allows Captains to view their students’ progress and provides opportunities to:
- Develop lifelong learning skills.
- Record relevant observations.
- Check that students are completing assigned activities.
- Identify specific skills in which students have opportunities for growth.
- Improve data integrity with additional data points.
- Provide additional measurements of active response mode.
- Supply additional skills practice through constructive play.
- Provide a measurement of motor and tactile skills.
- Track performance that may support a Player’s IEP.
Each completed activity will score individually. An activity is considered complete when the Player completes all actions necessary to reach the option for “Again” or “Stop.” Players who exit the browser before reaching this point will not generate a score. If a Player selects the “Again” option, a second score of the same title will be recorded. Please note that an activity must be completed in one session. Players cannot pause and continue at a later date or time.
Available metrics vary by activity. Metrics may include Play Time, Accessibility, Completion, Responsiveness and Incorrect Attempts.
- Play Time reports the duration of time a player is actively engaged with an activity, from when a Player starts an activity until they complete it. An activity is considered complete when the student reaches the option for “Again” or “Stop.”
- Accessibility indicates if the activity supports accessibility features and was played by a Player with these features enabled.
- Completion: an activity is considered complete when the Player completes all actions necessary to reach the option for “Again” or “Stop.” Players who exit the browser before reaching this point will not generate a score.
- Responsiveness reports the number of interactions (mouse clicks, keyboard touches, switch touches or taps on a touch screen) within an activity.
- Incorrect Attempts reports how many of a Player's attempts were incorrect.* This metric is not reported in activities that are open-ended and have no clear right or wrong answer, such as the freeform activities.
*Please note that the calculations vary by activity and are designed to reflect real-life scenarios. For example, in Busy Bakery, Players are asked to select the correct cookies to complete a customer’s order. In this instance correctness is measured per order, as one incorrect cookie makes the entire order incorrect.
Collecting & Viewing Data
L3 Skills reports can be used in conjunction with the other data collecting and reporting tools in Unique Learning System and Positivity for additional insight. Reports include the name of the activity, the categories and tags associated with the activity, the play count (number of times the activity was played until completion during the selected time frame) and appropriate scoring metrics.
Captains must have a Student Login set up for their Player in order to collect data on activities. Data cannot be collected on activities accessed from the Captain’s preview option. For activities completed via the Player Dashboard, the appropriate metrics for the type of activity are automatically recorded when the Player completes the activity.
After the data has been collected, the Captain can add notes to help give the data more context and record relevant information.
Data is accessible from the Reports tab in L3 Skills. The Reports tab allows Captains to view a report of interactions for a single student or multiple students. The report will cover all completed activities for the selected date range.
View Reports:
- Sign in to n2y.com.
- Select Reports from the My Account menu.
- Select the L3 Skills logo.
Select Play Report.
- Select the desired student(s).
- Select Continue.
- Select the desired start and end dates.
- Select the View Report button.
n2y recommends regularly printing and/or exporting data to maintain records. This can be done by selecting the Print or Export button at the top of the Activity Play Report and selecting your desired device settings.
Using Data
The data recorded in the Reports tab is only one tool in the total classroom solution. To obtain a comprehensive view of a student’s progress, Captains should use this data in conjunction with other reporting tools. For example, they can use this data to ensure their students are completing assigned activities, as well as provide additional data to track motor and tactile skills.
Data should be paired with observational notes to provide a more complete picture of student’s performance. For example, notes may be made on a Cause & Effect activity to indicate that an interactive whiteboard was used as the delivery medium with the assistance of a physical therapist to work on the student's trunk strength.
For some Players, increasing participation through the use of an active participation response is the main objective. Captains can recognize a change in responsiveness paired with play time as an indicator of a Player’s progress. Both an increase and decrease in responsiveness may indicate a positive improvement in a Player.
One Player may show an increase in responsiveness and longer play time, indicating an increased desire to participate. Alternatively, another Player may show a decrease in responsiveness but a shorter play time, demonstrating an increased awareness of cause and effect. As a Player strengthens his or her response mode, a decrease in responsiveness and an increase in accuracy may also be strong indicators of a Player’s progress.
The interpretation of the metrics provided will be tied to the Captain’s knowledge of the Player and their goals. By regularly reviewing Reports in conjunction with other indicating records, Captains can gain insight and supporting evidence to measure and enhance Player progress.